Collection layout

To edit Content Layout part, please follow those steps:

- Step 1: Please go to

Then enter the content for Collection:

You can see the clear result on the frontend:

Collection page title

To edit Collection Page Title part, please follow those steps:

- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Collection Page Title":

Then you will see the Collection Page Title's result on Frontend:

Collection sidebar

To edit Collection Sidebar part, please follow those steps:

- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Collection Page":

Then you will see the Collection Sidebar's result on Frontend:

To translate this page, please follow those steps:

Step 1: Please go to this link:

Step 2: Click on Edit Language:

Step 3: