Home 1
To edit Home Page 1 part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Home Page 1":
Then you will see the Home Page 1 result on Frontend:
To see the Home 1 's result Please check its Demo here !
Block revolution slider
To edit Home1 - Revolution Layout part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Revolution:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Slide:
Block tagline
To edit Home1 - Tagline part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Then please search for the Homepage 1 -> Scroll to selection "Tagline", then you can see the result on the frontend:
Block intro
To edit Home1 - Intro part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Then please search for the Homepage 1 -> Scroll to selection "Intro", then you can see the result on the frontend:
Block services
To edit Home1 - Services part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Then please search for the Homepage 1 -> Scroll to selection "Services", then you can see the result on the frontend:
Block fact
To edit Home1 - Part part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
- Step 2: Enter the content for the Fact:
- Step 3: Please move to this link address below: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Entering the Data for the blog:
Block features
To edit Home1 - Features part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button:
Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Home Page 1":
Then you will see the Features result on Frontend:
To create content for page, please follow those instructions:
Step 1: Please go to link address: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2:
Step 3: Please create new blog:
Please fill in the content for the article:
Block project
To edit Home1 - Project part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Project:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Blog:
Block blog
To edit Home1 - Blog part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Search for field Home1, then scroll to selection "News":
To create the content for the blog, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for News:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Blog:
Block parallax
To edit Home1 - Parallax part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Search for field Home1, and scroll to selection "Parallax", you can see the result:
Block client
To edit Home1 - Client part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Search for field Home1, and scroll to selection "Clients":
To create the content for the blog of Client Part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Client:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Blog of Client:
Block testimonials
Home 2
To edit Home Page 2 part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Home Page 2":
Then you will see the Home Page 2 result on Frontend:
To see the Home 2 's result Please check its Demo here !
Block revolution slider
To edit Home Page 2 - Revolution Slider part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Revolution", then you can see the result:
To edit Home3 - Revolution part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Revolution:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Article:
Block services
To edit Home Page 2 - Services part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 2, Scroll to selection "Services" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - Service part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Services:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block features
To edit Home Page 2 - Features part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 2, Scroll to selection "Features" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - Features part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Features:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the Slide:
Block portfolio
To edit Home Page 2 - Portfolio part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 2, Scroll to selection "Portfolio" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - Portfolio part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Portfolio:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the Article:
Block fact
To edit Home Page 2 - Fact part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field "Home Page 2", Scroll to selection "Fact" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - Fact part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Portfolio:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the Article:
Block team
To edit Home Page 2 - Team part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field "Home Page 2", Scroll to selection "Team" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - Team part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Team:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Slide:
Block testimonials
To edit Home Page 2 - Testimonial part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field "Home Page 2", Scroll to selection "Testimonial" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - Testimonial content, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Testimonial:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Article:
Block news
To edit Home Page 2 - News part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field "Home Page 2", Scroll to selection "News" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - News content, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for News:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Article:
Block client
To edit Home Page 2 - Client part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field "Home Page 2", Scroll to selection "CLient" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home2 - Client content, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Client:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for Article:
Home 3
To edit Home Page 3 part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Home Page 3":
Then you will see the Home Page 3 result on Frontend:
To see the Home 3 's result Please check its Demo here !
Block revolution slider
Block services
To edit Home Page 3 - Services part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Services" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home3 - Service part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Services:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block testimonials
To edit Home Page 3 - Testimonial part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Testimonials" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home3 - Testimonials part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Testimonials:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block project
To edit Home Page 3 - Project part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Project" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home3 - Project part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Project:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block owl carousel
To edit Home Page 3 - Owl Carousel part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Owl Carousel" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home3 - Owl Carousel part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Project:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block fact
To edit Home Page 3 - Fact part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Fact" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home3 - Fact part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Fact:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block blog
To edit Home Page 3 - Blog part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Blog" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home3 - Blog part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Blog:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block progress
To edit Home Page 3 - Process part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field Home Page 3, Scroll to selection "Process" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Home3 - Process part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for Process:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Our Work
To edit Our Work part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button:
Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Our Work":
Then you will see the Our Work result on Frontend:
To create content for page, please follow those instructions:
Step 1: Please go to link address: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2:
Step 3: Please create new blog:
Please fill in the content for the article:
To see the Our Work 's result: Please check its Demo here !
To edit Services part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Services ":
To see the page's result Please check its Demo here !
Services menu
To edit Service Menu part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button:
Customize Theme
- Step 3: In the Sidebar Menu, please scroll to selection "Sidebar Services":
Then you will see the Service Menu result on Frontend:
To create content for Service Menu page, please follow those instructions:
+ Go to this link:
+ Entering Data for menu Level 1:
+ Go to this link:
+ Entering Data for menu Level 2:
Services content
To edit Service Content part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/pages/new
Then enter the content for page:
You can see the clear result on the frontend:
About Us
To edit About Us page , please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "About Us":
To see the About Us 's result Please check its Demo here !
Block intro
To edit Page About us - Pa-Intro part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field About Us, Scroll to selection "Pa-intro" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Aboutus - pa-intro part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for pa-intro:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block skills
To edit Page About us - Pa-skills part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field About Us, Scroll to selection "Pa-skills" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Aboutus - pa-skills part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for pa-skills:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
Block team
To edit Page About us - Pa-team part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Please click on Field About Us, Scroll to selection "Pa-team" - Then you can view the result:
To edit Aboutus - pa-team part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/new
Step 2: Then enter the content for pa-skills:
- Step 3: Please go to https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/74711235/articles/new
Step 4: Please enter the content for the article:
To edit News part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Blog Pages":
To see the New's result Please check its Demo here !
To edit Contact part, please follow those steps:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Contact":
To see the Contact's result Please check its Demo here !